BBL Photofacial clear and brilliant

BBL vs. Clear and Brilliant in Nashville: Which Treatment is Right for Me?

When it comes to advanced skin care, there are so many treatments available on the market and it may be difficult to know which one will be best at addressing your skin concerns.  This article will discuss two of the most popular options: BBL Phototherapy and Clear and Brilliant in Nashville.

What is BBL Phototherapy?

BBL Phototherapy, also known as BroadBand Light, is a versatile and effective treatment for various skin concerns. It uses intense pulsed light (IPL) technology to target pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, vascular lesions, and promote overall skin health.  This treatment stimulates collagen production, resulting in more youthful looking skin.

What Does BBL Treat?

BBL is a good option if you want to address sun spots, age spots, redness, and uneven skin tone.  Many patients also notice a decrease in fine lines and wrinkles.

BBL Results

BBL is a non-invasive treatment with minimal downtime.  You may experience some redness following treatment but it should resolve within a few hours.  

While a series of several treatments are recommended for optimal results, many patients notice an improvement in the texture and tone of their skin after one treatment.

What is Clear and Brilliant?

Clear and Brilliant in Nashville is a fractional laser treatment designed to refresh the skin.  By creating micro-injuries, collagen production is stimulated and new skin cells develop during the healing process.

What Does Clear and Brilliant Treat?

Clear and Brilliant in Nashville aims to improve skin texture, pore size, and early signs of aging.

Clear and Brilliant Results

This treatment is gentle and non-invasive and does not have any extended downtime like other lasers.  You may experience some redness and swelling for a couple of days following treatment.

Most patients require a series of several treatments for optimal results, including improved tone and glowing, refreshed appearance.

BBL vs. Clear and Brilliant in Nashville: Which Treatment is Right for Me?

In summary, both treatments are excellent options for improving a variety of skin concerns with minimal downtime.  To learn more about which treatment you should use and how many sessions are recommended, schedule a consultation with one of our medical aestheticians in Brentwood, TN.  They will be able to assess your skin and set you on the right path for a rejuvenated, youthful, and glowing complexion!