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Trending Treatment: Microneedling in Nashville

Microneedling in Nashville has been growing in popularity as a cosmetic treatment to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. 

Microneedling uses a specialized device to create micro-injuries in the skin’s surface with tiny needles.  As your skin heals, collagen and elastin production is stimulated, giving you firmer, smoother, and more youthful looking skin. 

If this sounds interesting to you, you probably have more questions.  Keep reading to get all the answers about microneedling in Nashville. 

What Can Microneedling Treat?

Microneedling in Nashville can be used to treat a variety of skin concerns.  It’s commonly used to address:

  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • acne scars
  • enlarged pores
  • uneven skin texture
  • loss of elasticity.  

By stimulating the skin’s natural healing process, your complexion will be revitalized.  

How Much Does Microneedling in Nashville Cost?

The cost of microneedling in Nashville will depend on several factors, including the provider’s experience, location, and number of treatment sessions needed.  On average, you can expect to pay between $200 and $500 for your treatment, but many times you can save by purchasing a series of treatments.  Many people find this investment to be well worth it for the long-lasting results.

How Many Microneedling Treatments Do I Need?

The number of treatments recommended will vary based on your skin concerns and goals.  Typically, your provider will recommend a series of three to six treatments spaced about a month apart.  After your initial series of microneedling treatments, maintenance sessions may be desired once or twice a year to sustain your results.

What is the Downtime and Recovery for Microneedling in Nashville?

With any treatment that involves needles, downtime and recovery are a concern.  For most patients, recovery is relatively quick.  For a few days following treatment, your skin may be red, similar to a sunburn, and swollen.  This will subside within a week, revealing a fresher complexion.

Microneedling Results

Following treatment, you will see a gradual improvement in your skin, with maximum results being evident between three and six months post-treatment.  With proper skincare and sun protection, microneedling can provide a long-lasting radiant complexion.  

Best Med Spa for Microneedling in Nashville

At Binhlam Aesthetics, our medical aestheticians will be able to assess your skin’s needs and recommend a microneedling treatment plan to rejuvenate your skin and leave you feeling more youthful and confident.  Call our office today at 615-425-FACE to schedule your appointment!